European Jetski Championship 2017
5-9 July the European jetski championship in on in Austria.
The address for our event :
Wörth 1, 3380 Wörth – Austria
Our paddock opens July 04 at 10:00. We close our paddock on monday July 10.
Thank you for making your pre-registration! If you haven’t had the change to, please follow this link:
Pre-registrated pilots can find their names on this list.
If you are in green you are all set. If your name is in red please check: 1 little star means your number is already taken by another pilot. 2 little stars means you want to race a novice category along with a category that is not allowed. Please ask us for more information:<>
In attachment you can find our Shedule and registration form to print. If you bring this to our registration table, it will save you some time.
For general information check our website:<__URLSTART__>